infratech first round interview questions:- 1.if there is table employees and payroll, i want matched records. 2.if there is table of employee and payroll and i want matched and unmatched records in employee. 3.find 5th maximum salary 4.delete duplicates from table 5.create procedure in that creat bulk collect and i want the total count of employeea. 6.write query the salary of employees is greater than the avg salary of employees. 7.steps for sql loader and utl file. 8.can we use commit in triggers 9.what do you mean by pragma. 10.write the 10 unix command 11. if there is a text like dinesh.txt, i want word salary from that text using unix command. 12.difference between exception and save exceptions 13.did you worked on bulk collect in your real time? 14.why we use bulk collect.